Independence day…

If ‘independence’ means freedom from foreign rulers ,yes we are an independent nation.
But before we rejoice , and celebrate , let us pause and ponder… “are we really free”?
India needs to break the shackles of poverty,corruption and crime…. the list seems long and endless – before we can actually hold our heads high and say ‘hum swatantra hain.’
And till then ,all celebrations can wait . This would be the greatest homage to those who lost thier lives to free india and a true salute to the tricolour.
Jai Hind.

5 thoughts on “Independence day…

  1. Fight for freedom is as national a process as individual it is. In this generation we must fight to free ourselves from intellectual slavery as we once fought against colonialism and so the next generation will have to fight some other battle. It is the triumph of human will against odds that we today celebrate as independence day so that it may act as a motivator for this and upcoming generations.


  2. Thanks for your beautiful observation, reminder Shree Shailjakant ji.
    We agree with you that need to remember the martyrs & pay homage and reaffirm to bring changes and tick mark the long list one by one.
    On our part we assure you and the world that we are changing people lives for the better through inborn power of the ‘Kundalini’ lying dormant in us all.
    Self realization is the birthright of every human beings which is being realized now through activation of the Kundalini instrument. Thus we can overcome all shackles and move towards total freedom of the self and the country too! A world wide movement has begun since 1970 and results are being observed in all spheres of life.
    Request all interested to take their self realization on their own at Free guidance centers can be located in the website too!


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